The ‘Nocchio – 22″ FPV Wing
Introducing the ‘Nocchio! A sweet little FPV platform. A HobbyKing Bonsai, painted, with LEDS and an extended FPV pod, or nose (get it, the “Nocchio”?). I’m using metal gear servos, which are a bit heavier than regular 9g servos, so I was having trouble balancing the plane. I had to add nose weight with a […]
Tiny Whoop – Garage Tour
Introducing the Tiny Whoop – JJMelo edition! Here’s the maiden flight of this tiny but versatile fpv quad inside and outside the garage where it was built. I used: Blade Inductrix BNFMMW Fast MotorsMMW 205mAh 1S Lipos200mw 5.8 vtx module600TVL CameraCL Antenna
QAV210 Charpu Edition – Maiden FPV Flight
Here’s the maiden FPV flight video of the latest addition to my fleet, the QAV-210 Charpu Edition. These are the components: Cobra 2204 2300 KV motors SN20A ESCs (OneShot125) 5×4.5 Bullnose props DragonFly32 running Baseflight FrSky DR4-II receiver 1400 4S Multistar LiPo Recorded on a RunCam HD Overall I’m really happy with this quad. Its […]
Durafly P-40N from Hobbyking – 1st Impressions & Assembly
Presenting Hobbyking’s newest model airplane from the Durafly line, the Curtiss P-40N Warhawk. I ordered it the day it came out from the US West Warehouse (click here to get yours) and received it 4 working days later, via FedEx ground. Here is my first impressions and assembly video. I am really impressed with the […]
Mini Hex Review – Melo’s Multirotor Minute
Here’s my quick review of the MJX X900 X901 3D Roll 2.4G 6-Axis First Nano Hexacopter from Pros: Cons: You can get your directly from Banggood here by clicking here.
Caliber FPV Wing – Review Part 1 – Unboxing and Assembly
Introducing the Caliber FPV Wing from Snipe Air Industries. In this video I introduce the project, unbox the package and show you the finished product after it was put together. It measures 37.5 inches (95.25 cm) in wingspan and the kit includes all the nessary hardware, including a plastic center section to hold the fpv […]
The Ghoul Part 2: Assembly – Building a better Phantom
Here’s part 2 of the Build a Better Phantom Series: a quad with T-Motors, SimonK ESCs and an APM Mini flight controller in a Phantom shell: The Ghoul. Please visit the first part of the series to get a list of components by clicking here. Here are links to additional guides and documents needed to […]
The Ghoul: Building a Better DJI Phantom – Part 1
Introducing the Ghoul: a quad built with a DJI Phantom Shell, but with better components and more capabilities. I came across a DJI Phantom Shell while navigating and decided to build a quad using that shell and powering it with a Mini APM and overall better components. This is what is needed: RTF OPERA QUAD […]
Custom Designed 3D Printed Y6 Multirotor
Introducing my custom designed and 3D printed Y6 multirotor. After many hours of designing, printing, troubleshooting and test flying, I am finally showcasing my latest multirotor with the world. The frame base, motor holders, landing gear and 3-axis gimbal were printed 3D printed in ABS. The booms are carbon fiber tubes that are 330 mm […]
Durafly Das Ugly Stik Maiden Flight – Review Part 2
Here’s the second part of the review of the Durafly Das Ugly Stik, maiden flight. Overall, I think Hobbyking hit it out of the park with this one: it came very well packaged, putting it together was a breeze and the maiden flight was uneventful. The plane flew like it was on rails with the […]